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Duo Gigs: Nuffnang Featured Blogger for the month of May 2013

God, life is great!

This is really happening, Featured Blogger Of The Month! Thank you Nuffnang!

So we are Duo Gigs, Cherrie and Evangeline, and we blog at One of the most common question we get from people is ” OMG! Are you guys twins??” And the answer to that is, YES! This is a question we get asked like 1000000000 times, and lucky for you guys, we are always nice and friendly to people who react that way because we ask the exact same thing when we see other twins!

We’ve only started blogging since the end of December 2011, so we could still be considered relatively “fresh” to the blogging world but we love it more and more every day. We feel that it would be awesome to share our own tips and tricks, current trend info and personal style with the rest of the blogging world. We never thought of creating something separate because we are very close to each other, we love to work together and we simply believe in the power of two against one. Our lives have been connected throughout the years. We were brought up by our parents in such way that we love each other no matter what happens because at the end of the day, family always comes first. So here we are – two sides of the same coin, as Duo Gigs!

Love us or hate us, we have mad style. Whether we are sipping coffee at Starbucks or hitting events around town, we are always dressed to impress. The thing we love most about ourselves is that we dress only for ourselves! We are not trying to get our sexy on for men, we simply love fashion and we try to express that everyday on our blog. This is the probably the reason why people read our blog. We both have a strong passion for fashion, we like to experiment while staying true to ourselves. We are confident with our own identities and enjoy adding unique little twists to Malaysia’s fashion trends.

One of our source of happiness is hanging out with our girl friends!

We love food too!

We’ve done photoshoots for ViVi Magazine as well!

Duo Gigs love to attend fashion shows to meet talented designers and fashionistas.

Street style blogs and magazines are some of the places where we find our favorite inspiration for fashion. Everyone has their own definition of what “Street Style” means. To us, street style is synonymous with street style blogs or magazines where people capture photos and outfits of normal people on the streets. Street style is simply seeing someone on the street whose sense of style impresses us while serving as a helpful reference point for us to find our most stylish self.

This is Duo Gigs. We both love being twins and the special bond that we share. We find it amusing when people get confused or do a double take when they see the both of us together. We are everywhere, always showing up wearing the latest trends, knowing exactly what works for us. For Duo Gigs’ latest updates, follow us on these platforms!

NuffnangX – DuoGigs
Instagram – Cherrie & Evangeline
Twitter – Cherrie & Evangeline


Tag : Blogger, Nuffnang

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